White House disappointed with Google's decision

>> 29 March, 2010


the absence of the Google agreement with the government of China on internet censorship issues make white building was disappointed. So do NHK, Tuesday (23 / 3), In a statement released White House says it has confirmed to China that the U.S. is very committed in freedom in the surf.
This statement and claimed that Google's decision to respect while voicing regret over the conflict. It is also stated As-China relations are mature enough to survive with the differences and the U.S. government will seek to broaden cooperation on issues of mutual interest with China.

In New York, a company worker said Google has made the world smaller, In the interest of mankind. He said Google's decision is a sad thing for China.

Another man said that freedom of speech must be upheld throughout the world.
He said that the government of China has forced the withdrawal of Google, it violates the right to free speech.
a descendant of American China says even though he know there was friction between China and Google, he wants Google to continue its operations in the country.

23/03/2010 17:24

rewritten by :
29/03/2010 02:45

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