>> 17 March, 2010

Indonesia is considered as a promising market in terms of computer security. The number of wandering in the land of water big enough. "Indonesia is one country that promises us" said Eugene Kaspersky, founder and CEO of anti-virus company Kaspersky Lab. in the editor's luncheon which was held in Jakarta.
the circulation of malicious programs in Indonesia quite a lot.
Kaspersky estimates, since the beginning of 2009 alone, there are 50 million attacks, web-based malware in Indonesia. Although promising, but the Kaspersky Lab claim to have plans to open a representative office here.
Kaspersky has offices, research groups, and testing centers scattered in various countries.
Southeast asia Kaspersky to have representation in kuala lumpur, malaysia.
Of the 1600 employees, research and development division is sucking the biggest fund in the Russian company's home computer..

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