10 Things Most Wanted Lovers of Technology in the Future

>> 01 June, 2010

What is most desired by the lovers of technology in the future. Fast computers, cheap or even free? Check it out ...

From the survey most of the users computer and technology lovers, many of the things they wanted and suggested that in future the following things below, which may be can happen:

1. Quick & Cheap Laptops
Laptop for USD. One or two millions with Intel i7 processor, 14-inch screen, VGA Nvidia GTX 275 classmates, 4GB memory and 1TB hard drive ... Thin and lightweight as well of course ... MAU?

2. Cheap Flash Disk 100TB
With a capacity flash disk that can fit hundreds of thousands of movies, millions of songs and hundreds of millions of images .... well let's say the price of just USD. 100 thousand ... how? interested?

3. Free Windows Operating System
No need to pay software license Windows again, do not need the police chased or BSA more ... There need not plow plowing again, the world must be very nice if Windows could be free ...

4. Internet Super Tighten
See HD video streaming, see streaming newscasts, download a matter of seconds ... any load on the internet count fraction of a second ... Life was more delicious ...

5. Free Internet Everywhere
No need to go to Starbuck's or Dunkin Donut to the Internet for free. To the beach can be free internet, free internet to the top can, in WC-beol could internetan for free ... So do not want cepet-cepet ass wipe ... ^ ^

6. Free Calling
Many operators are currently already offer phone or sms for free or at least pay Rp. 1, - But when will the phone can Bener Bener-free? I think It's just a dream in broad daylight ... :-) But do not give up because if the internet was free, then we can use the IP Phone to neleponnnn ...

7. Computer / Robot Can Talk Like 'Chobit'
If you've ever watched the animated movie Chobit, certainly very interested to want to have robot pretty, cute, and smart. Maybe your dream will come true soon ... but if not wait another 100 years, you will be colonized by robots like the Terminator movies ...

8. Substitute Battery or Other Power Sources
Obviously fans of the most hated tech gadgets used by 'Low Bat' or when to die at home or office lighting. Imagine if in the future there are houses which have atomic technology could ngecharge of solar energy, or laptop charged atoms that could be used one hour a week ...

9. Virtual Reality, Matrix & Teleport
If you're a fan of Star Trek, Matrix, Johnny mnemonic and the like must be amazed if in the future of technology in the film could become a reality. Imagine you to Egypt just a matter of seconds, no need to go to school anymore because your brain is equipped with harddsik where knowledge or science who want to learn to live alone ... diloading

10. Free Cell Phone
This concept may be realized if there was an ad in the phone and the user will have to buy products or use certain services required by the service ... You could get free cell phone now, if indeed you are again fortunate to win a prize or a 'lucky draw' ... :-)


11. Can Human Life 1000 Years
If medical technology combined with computer technology in which members of the human body can be replaced with 'spare parts' like a computer as shown in the movie Terminator Salvation, the man could live 1000 years and even more ... Apparently if this happens and god religion will be forgotten


3 Setting Security & Privacy FaceBook You Need to Know

December 2009 and Facebook have time to make changes in the privacy of its users rule that invites controversy. Networking site that was more closed it now wants to compete with other more open sites, like Twitter.

Then in December 2009 then you really pay attention to and maintain your personal settings when Facebook led to recommendations settings, then perhaps you belong to is safe. But if you just choose the recommended settings of Facebook, then you'll want to see again what kind of information that people can see with this arrangement.

The first way point the mouse to the menu Settings / Setting in the upper right, it would appear the list, then click the Privacy Settings / Privacy Settings from the list. Then try to check the following three things in the settings that appear.

1. Anyone who can see things that you pointed out (status, photos, videos, etc.)

On the menu, first item is the Profile Information / Profile Information, click on that part. On the next page, look for Posts by Me / Shipments of I. This part controls all the status updates, links, records / notes, photos, and video.

Then in December and then you just follow the suggestions Facebook default settings, then all that information can be accessed by all applications and other Facebook users.

There are good you change the setting to Only Friends / Only Friends than the All People / Everyone, that is really only the people who have become friends that you approve can see your profile developments.

Remember that setting 'All People' really means everyone who uses the internet can find that information. While the setting of Friends of Friends / Friends of Friends a bit more convincing, but if the number of friends you could have quite a lot so your information is available for thousands of people that you do not know.

2. Personal Data

Still on the Profile Information section, view the items to the third, fourth, and fifth, ie birthday / date of birth, religious and political views / beliefs and political views, and family and relationship / family and relationships. Third is sensitive data, particularly dates of birth, because this data is often the data for identity verification (example: for some banking services over the phone).

If you are using Facebook the standard of December last, the third of this data can be viewed by anyone. There are good you also turn this into Just Friends / Friends Only for the same reason as before.

3. Is Google able to see data on Facebook?

Back to page Privacy Settings / Privacy Settings, click Search / Search, which is item number four. Facebook It never issued a statement that Facebook does not pass the information to Google, and that people who search for a name on Google just Facebook users will be redirected to a page that the user profile, and only disclosed basic information only. This is true but you should see also the basic information that appears is whatever.

Item number two on this page, Public Search Result / General Search Results, has the right of the checkbox labeled "Allow / Allow". There are good you uncheck the box. If you want to compare the results then try just click on the link "Show preview / See a preview of" around the end of the explanation that these two items.

Links that may indicate what kind of profile views that appear for the person who was not your friend on Facebook but found your profile page via a Google search feature. Can you compare the difference between this view when the Allow box was checked or not.

These three settings above can be mastered in five minutes. Do not wait until there is new bad things about you secure your information.


5 Kunci Menggapai Sukses di Bisnis Online

Internet yang dulu berfungsi sebagai media informasi, kini telah berkembang pesat sehingga mampu menjadi tempat bisnis dan bekerja secara online.

Bisnis online bisa kita jadikan sebagai sumber penghasilan tambahan kita, bahkan kadangkala dapat menghasilkan uang yang cukup besar dan bisa menjadi pendapatan utama yang sangat menggiurkan. Menghasilkan $1000 dolar per hari bukanlah hal yang mustahil dalam bisnis internet. Sudah banyak contoh orang yang sukses bahkan dengan penghasilan lebih dari itu.

Jika kita masih baru memulai bisnis online di rumah, kita bisa menjadi sangat pusing dengan banyaknya informasi, penawaran, dan jutaan iklan (yang belum tentu kebenarannya) yang menawarkan sistemnya sebagai dasar kita untuk berbisnis online.

untuk membantu agar anda tidak menjadi lebih frustasi lagi, dan agar anda berada pada jalan bisnis online yang tepat, maka anda harus melihat bisnis online yang sekarang sedang “in” atau paling dibutuhkan pasar saat ini.

Berikut ini 5 kunci utama untuk bisa mencapai kesuksesn dalam berbisnis online di rumah :

Ini adalah hal yang paling krusial untuk kesuksesan anda. Anda harus memilih sistem yang mempunyai prospek. Dalam berbisnis online anda harus memilih sistem yang dapat berjalan secara otomatis dan tidak menghabiskan waktu anda selama berjam-jam di depan layar komputer.

contohnya saja jika kita mengikuti sebuah program PTC, jika kita membangun sistem dan mempunyai banyak refereral, maka kita tidak harus berjam-jam mengeklik iklan di depan layar komputer kita sendiri. Bahkan kita akan dibayar walaupun kita tidak ikut klik iklan.

bayangkan jika kita tidak membangun sebuah sistem dan melakukan klik iklan tersebut sendirian. Kita akan menghabiskan waktu selama berjam-jam untuk mengeklik iklan. Berapa biaya internet yang kita keluarkan..berapa listrik yang kita habiskan..belum lagi komputer yang akan cepat menjadi rusak karena jarang dimatikan..belum lagi betapa capeknya berjam-jam di depan komputer untuk melihat klik2 iklan kita tersebut.

Dengan membangun sebuah sistem, akan menjadi lebih mudah dan murah bukan?

Dalam berbisnis online kita juga memerlukan modal. Jadi kita harus memilih program yang mempunyai tingkat keuntungan yang tinggi agar modal kita tersebut dapat tertutupi oleh keuntungan kita. Jika tingkat keuntungan bisnis online yang kita pilih rendah, maka peluang kita untuk sukses menjadi sangat kecil.

Bahkan bisa-bisa kita merugi. Jangan sampai hal tersebut terjadi pada kita. Mungkin kita perlu modal $10 untuk pasang iklan demi mencapai keuntungan $50. Itu semua tidak akan menjadi masalah. Tapi bandingkan jika kita harus mengeluarkan uang $10 untuk pasang iklan demi mencapai keuntungan $5, kita pasti akan rugi..hehe

Artinya jika kita menjual barang melalui internet, maka barang tersebut harus sedang “in”, dibutuhkan orang dan mempunyai nilai. Usahakan menjual barang yang bisa didownload sehingga tidak memerlukan biaya pengiriman.

Ini sangat penting khususnya bagi yang baru memulai bisnis online. Dengan menguasai traffic maka berarti kita mempunyai banyak pengunjung dan target pembeli. Ada banyak cara untuk bisa menguasai traffic. Misalnya dengan penerapan trik-trik SEO dan memasang iklan pada pihak pemasang iklan.

Untuk pelaku bisnis online yang baru atau sedang berkembang, pelatihan perlu dilakukan agar kita mengetahui prospek sistem kita. Kita bisa belajar dari artikel maupun situs yang banyak tersebar di internet. Dengan terus belajar dan belajar ,maka kita akan semakin menguasai sistem bisnis yang kita jalankan tersebut. Dengan begitu kita bisa mengoptimalkan hasil yang akan kita dapat.
5 kunci tadi adalah kunci sukses awal bagi yang akan memulai peruntungannya di bisnis online, namun kunci sukses berikutnya tergantung kepada Anda. (pusatgratis)


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